Und wie sieht es aus?


Hat jemand schon mal wieder was zur 64-Bit Version gehört? Ich habe gerade Geld und will updaten!


Re: Und wie sieht es aus?

#13206 On 24 Februar, 2022 23:39 Bad_Wolf said,


I also wish that RagTime GMBH gives us some news. I read the newsletter from 23 November 2021 where they ask for our patience.

Despite the fact, there is not a single update on their progress since I do believe that they are still continuing work on the 64bit update.

Ragtime 6.6.6 is fully tested on Windows 11 and works perfectly, which in my opinion is good news.

Lets be a little bit more patient and save your money a little longer until the release of the 64bit version.

In the past when there was a progress update, people shoot the Ragtime team down in a very rude way. I do not blame the Ragtime team for not communicating any longer here because it is very unpleasant when doing your best, getting bullied in a very unpolite way. And if you do not believe me, read the particular thread again with remarks such as "zum kotzen...". I could not believe my eyes when I read that rudeness.

So people, please when you react to anything, keep your language civil and polite. When you feel you need to make such remarks as the one above, go for a walk, cool down and re-read your reply before sending. And above all, be respectful and understanding of the problems the Ragtime team encounters.

We should support them not bashing them because it is not only their revenue but also ours because we make a living from our Ragtime creations.

Therefore, I want to ask politely, for a progress update on the 64bit development of Ragtime. Please, can somebody from the Ragtime team, update us on their progress? Thank you in advance.


Re: Und wie sieht es aus?

#13208 On 28 Februar, 2022 08:48 admin said,

Dear Chris et al.,

You are right, since the november 2021 newsletter we haven't been spreading news on the development progress (except for answering individual requests which came in via e-mail).

The current state of the 64-bit Mac version is that we are slowly but steadily approaching the finish line. However, we still cannot announce a concrete date for the release at the moment.

I hope that this information will help you tolerate the inconveniencies …

Best regards,

Hendrik Lübbe
RagTime.de Development GmbH

Re: Und wie sieht es aus?

#13209 On 28 Februar, 2022 13:31 Bad_Wolf said,

Dear Hendrik,

Thank you for updating us about the 64bit progress. I will patiently wait until the 64bit version is ready for release.

I wish the Ragtime development team very much success in the last steps towards a successful release. Keep up the good work!

Kind regards,


Re: Und wie sieht es aus?

#13207 On 25 Februar, 2022 17:58 Thomas Schnell said,

Lieber Chris,

was deinen Kommentar zur Sprache angeht: du sprichst mir aus der Seele.

Beschimpfen bringt wirklich gar nichts.
Kannst genauso gut dem Hund einen Tritt geben oder die Frau anschreien....

Weiter so RT-Team - hoffentlich klappt es bald
Thomas Schnell

Re: Und wie sieht es aus?

#13205 On 23 Februar, 2022 09:21 Hermann P. said,

Ja, eine Wasserstandsmeldung hin und wieder wäre nicht schlecht.
RT 6.6.6 (Build 1909)