how to write a paragraph name in "header"


I'm going mad with this. 'm building a book document. I set some paragraph style using Headings for the TOC. All is working fine. I add a text component as "heading" in the hight part of the pages, and I do not understand how put in the heading the name of the current paragraph!
For example: I'm writing the "Introducing" chapter, 10 pages, I set the Heading format, and I'd like to have in a text-box the name of the current heading paragraph... This is simple in a word processsor, but I can not find the way to set it on ragtime.

Thanks in advance...


Re: how to write a paragraph name in "header"

#8258 On 27 Dezember, 2008 13:44 Thomas Kaegi said,

Dear Fabrizio

Have you undertaken to write a book using RagTime without first doing the excercises in the training manual? These would have tought you the basics in an easy manner! Your questions show me that you have skipped the learning. This may work for easy jobs, but not for sophiscticated tasks like writing a book. The training manual is available on your installation CD or can be downloaded from the in PDF format.

Your current problem:
Write your text, beginning with the title in the first line. Select that first line and assign it the paragraph style "Heading" (or "Heading n" for subtitles). Adjust the characteristics by modifying the corresponding "Heading" paragraph and character style sheets.

Assigning one of the "Heading" paragraph styles has the effect that the text of the line to which the style was assigned will be included in the TOC.

The paragraph styles "Heading TOC" are not to be assigned to your text! Theses style sheets will automatically be assigned to the corresponding levels of titles and subtitles of the TOC when this one is created.

Please watch: You have to use the pre-defined "Heading" paragraph style sheets. Only these have the property to produce TOC-inclusion. You cannot replace them by self-defined style sheets to which you have given "Heading" names!


Re: how to write a paragraph name in "header"

#8259 On 27 Dezember, 2008 14:03 fbrzvnrnd said,

Your current problem:

First of all thank you for your answer. I'm really going mad with this problem.

I have not problem with toc (I know I have problem to explain my problems in english!).
The toc is working fine.

The thing I'm not able to do is this: take for example the Ragtime 6 reference Guide.
Go to the page 397. The name of this section is "Named references". The same name is in the header in upper part of the page. If i go to the next page the header is still showing me the name of the section. If I change again the page, the header is showing me "data exchange", because now I'm in the next section.

This is what I'm not able to do with Ragtime. Create a text container as header that show me the current heading paragraph.

I hope now my problem is more understable... and forgive my english.


Re: how to write a paragraph name in "header"

#8260 On 27 Dezember, 2008 16:59 Thomas Kaegi said,

Dear Fabrizio

Now I believe to have understood what you mean: You would like to create a "heading line" (according to the dictionary "Riga di intestazione" in Italian) in which the title of the current chapter is shown. This is quite tricky in RagTime and several solutions were already discussed here - alas in German, e.g.:

But I will give you a much simpler instruction:

1 Open the auxiliary "Name Editor"
2 Select the complete heading of your chapter 1 (excluding the return at the end of the line!)
3 In the auxiliary "Name Editor" click on "Create"
4 Give the new entry the name "Title_1" (or whatever you like)
5 Repeat steps 2 trough 4 for all chapter headings (of course incrementing the number in the name in step 4)
6 Create a new componenent of type "Spreadsheet" and name the component "Chapters"
7 In cells An you enter the formula "PageOf(Title_n)", where n = the number of the chapter
8 In cells Bn you enter the formula "Title_1" (just the name, no quatation marks)
9 In your heading line you can now use the formula "LookUp(Page;Chapters!$A:$A;Chapters!$B:$B)"

This will produce the heading line you were looking for.
You can, of course, make the formula more sophisticated, e.g. by suppressing the heading line on the first page of each chapter:

One warning: It is recommended to use the command "Update Cross Page Functions" before printing. Sometimes "PageOf" is not automatically updated after document changes.

I hope this helps!


Re: how to write a paragraph name in "header"

#8262 On 29 Dezember, 2008 15:07 fbrzvnrnd said,

The tricky is working, and I thank you a lot!
Only a suggestion: the pages value in An has to be progressive to have the tricky working.

It is quite strange that Ragtime has got a lot of nice (and unique!) features and here and there, some basics are missing.


Re: how to write a paragraph name in "header"

#8264 On 30 Dezember, 2008 13:41 Thomas Kaegi said,

Only a suggestion: the pages value in An has to be progressive to have the tricky working.
It seems logical that the chapters have to be addressed in sequential order. Then there should be no problem.

It is quite strange that Ragtime has got a lot of nice (and unique!) features and here and there, some basics are missing.
RagTime's philiosphy to separate contents from design has many advantages. This might be a disadvantage - so you have to take a detour to produce what you consider to be basic.


Re: how to write a paragraph name in "header"

#8265 On 30 Dezember, 2008 14:34 fbrzvnrnd said,

It seems logical that the chapters have to be addressed in sequential order. Then there should be no problem.

Usually. But -for example- I'm working at a "crossroads-novel" (bookgame), and in this kind of book the chapters are shuffled (expecially while you are writing the story).

RagTime's philiosphy to separate contents from design has many advantages

Don't misunderstand my criticism. I'm a enthusiastic about Ragtime!
The concept of containers and component is amazing.
Simply sometimes I see some bounds that are strange in a so interesting package (vertical allignement in text container, different value for left/right up/down text flow around, et ceterae), and some perplexity in marketing / documentation (It seem to me not a great idea build the manual of a DTP program... in latex. Was not Ragtime strong enought to do it? And the ragtime references manual is obscure in many pages... The hyperlink page tells you can make a hyperlink to an external link or a internal target. Ok. I become *crazy* to find the way to do an internal taget, no clear mention in manual. I could continue).

But the core of the program is good, and your help was highly esteemed!


Re: how to write a paragraph name in "header"

#8261 On 29 Dezember, 2008 09:38 Thomas Kaegi said,

I have put a sample document (containing the instructions as well) in the expert pages:

Wie erzeugt man in einem Dokument Kopfzeilen, welche auf allen Seiten den Titel des aktuellen Kapitels enthalten?
Ich habe ein Musterdokument mit der Anleitung in Deutsch auf die Expertenseiten gelegt:
