HTML-export: Different results on Mac and Win

Am 23.12.2008 um 09:51 schrieb fbrzvnrnd:

I used ragtime to experiment my personal site in horizontal scrolling, you can see here an example:

I'm forced to transform my text in images ("when in doubt convert to image" option). If I export to HTML asking to use less imagines ("Convert to image as rarely as possible" option) the text columns are perfect on a macintosh, but on windows every last line of the column is invisible.

Dear Fabrizio

RagTime is _not_ a Website design tool! Depending on the RagTime document you try to export, the results may be of very different quality. Font sizes vary between platforms. This might well explain the difference you observed when creating images from the text. To publish RagTime-documents on the web I prefer to create whole pages as a PDF. Note that, using Acrobat Distiller, hyperlinks defined in the RagTime-document will also be available in the PDF-document.


Re: HTML-export: Different results on Mac and Win

#8248 On 23 Dezember, 2008 11:06 Thomas Kaegi said,

I forgot to point to the following option:

At the very bottom of the window with the settings for the HTML export you can reduce the font size by n pixels. RagTime recommends to reduce by at least(!) 1 pixel in order to avoid text overflow - which is the problem you described (or at least how I understood it).

The differences between platforms regarding the font size may produce different results as long as text is displayed, but not in pictures which are displayed as such.


Re: HTML-export: Different results on Mac and Win

#8251 On 23 Dezember, 2008 11:47 fbrzvnrnd said,

At the very bottom of the window with the settings for the HTML export you can reduce the font size by n pixels

I remember I tried that setting, but there was something wrong in last line justification... I'll try it again, thank you for the suggestion.


Re: HTML-export: Different results on Mac and Win

#8253 On 23 Dezember, 2008 15:49 fbrzvnrnd said,

At the very bottom of the window with the settings for the HTML export you can reduce the font size by n pixels

using this option I have a trouble: the last line of each column is left alligned instead justified, and columns are not equal: some 14 lines, some other 15 lines...
