Pipeline invisible when scrolling horizontally

Am 23.12.2008 um 09:51 schrieb fbrzvnrnd:

I used ragtime to experiment my personal site in horizontal scrolling, you can see here an example:


Ragtime after some horizontal scrolling is not able to show the pipeline 'line'. The text goes from one container to the next one with no problems, but Ragtime show me only the pipeline 'line' for the first 4-5 containers. The problem is that I can not 'cut' a pipeline 'cause I can not see it.

Dear Fabrizio

I am sorry but I don't quite see what you mean by "horizontal scrolling". Can you please describe how your document layout looks like? Have you defined a huge paper size on which you have placed frames (horizontally side by side) with contents "text" interlinked with the (vertical) pipeline tool?

I also don't understand the relation between the website and the RagTime-document. Should they just work in a similar manner or do you actually use the RT-document for the preparation of the website?

- - -

I tried to file a bug to ragtime.de about the problem

Did you send it to rtsupport@ragtime.de?


PS: Please always specify version of RagTime and OS used.

Re: Pipeline invisible when scrolling horizontally

#8249 On 23 Dezember, 2008 11:30 fbrzvnrnd said,

I am sorry but I don't quite see what you mean by "horizontal scrolling". Can you please describe how your document layout looks like? Have you defined a huge paper size on which you have placed frames (horizontally side by side) with contents "text" interlinked with the (vertical) pipeline tool?

You can see a screenshot here, that could be more understable:


It is a drawing document with text containers interlinked with vertical pipeline tool.
As you can see in the screenshot, the pipeline 'line' is 'stopped' around 1370px in horizontal.But the text is flowing in the next containers, even if there is no pipeline 'line'.

I also don't understand the relation between the website and the RagTime-document. Should they just work in a similar manner or do you actually use the RT-document for the preparation of the website?

I used Ragtime for the site.

Did you send it to rtsupport@ragtime.de?


PS: Please always specify version of RagTime and OS used.

Macintosh 10.4, Ragtime 6.5 (but I got the same problem in 6.0.3)

Thank you!


Re: Pipeline invisible when scrolling horizontally

#8252 On 23 Dezember, 2008 12:13 Thomas Kaegi said,

Hello Fabrizio

E vero! Yes, you are right - this is a bug. I have sent it to RagTime with a detailed analysis.
Note: BugReports are answered by RagTime only if they need fourther information. Hence, don't be astonished if you don't receive a reply.


Re: Pipeline invisible when scrolling horizontally

#8257 On 27 Dezember, 2008 12:23 fbrzvnrnd said,

Thanks for the support!
